Archer Dental has three family friendly facilities with flat screen televisions above dental chairs, good music on the radio, and two types of air filtration systems in each room including VirusKillers which have HEPA grade air filters.
From the moment patients first contact us, we strive to make sure they’re properly accommodated. Parents can have their check-ups at the same time as their children. We’ve adjusted our office hours to better accommodate our patients’ busy schedules. If there’s an oral emergency in an Archer Dental family, we’ll move Heaven and Earth to make sure our people are properly cared for, and as soon as possible. There are a variety of payment options.
Archer Dental guests find our clinics are incredibly clean, neat and orderly. We have exceptionally courteous are staff members who use sophisticated equipment and wear all manner of protective gear during treatments. We have led the way in dental office design, before, during and after the COVID19 pandemic.
- What makes a good family dentist?
- Why is it important to have a family dentist?
- What does it cost to get white fillings?
What makes a good family dentist?
Parents searching for dental care professionals for their family should know that archer Dental focuses on oral hygiene and tooth health. We accept patients of any age, which means take care treating elderly patients as well as toddlers. Parents who regularly visit Archer Dental clinics often bring multiple family members and everyone’s oral health issues are examined together in separate treatment rooms, simultaneously, when possible.
Why is it important to have a family dentist?
Regular tooth cleaning by dental professionals is extremely important and necessary to remove tartar that can build up (even with careful brushing and flossing), especially in parts of the mouth that are hard to clean. Professional cleaning includes tooth scaling, tooth polishing and debridement if too much tartar has been accumulated. Our professionals use a variety of tools and continue to update their skills to make sure you are receiving extra-mile service. We offer a wide range of services that really make our office a one-stop-shop for your dental care. It is recommended that every six months you visit your dental care professionals.
What does it cost to get white fillings?
White fillings begin at $174 but could cost as much as $408 depending on complexity. White composite fillings are considered part of a dental restoration. The exact price of this procedure depends on where the tooth or teeth are located in the patients’ mouth and the size (amount) of the filling(s). Generally speaking, larger restorations i.e. more surfaces (the most surfaces a tooth can have is 5; the least is one) bring the variance in fees. To place this restoration, your dentist must first clean all decay from the tooth and either she or a restorative hygienist will put bonding material on the inside layer of the affected area. Composite resin is placed into the depression in thin increment layers. Each layer gets hard or is polymerized with the help of a special ‘curing’ light that your dentist / restorative hygienist holds over the tooth. When the final layer has hardened, our clinician will shape and smooth the restoration so it looks and feels natural.
Patients are always advised to:
- Effectively brush and floss your teeth
- Use acceptable mouth wash products and don’t forget to clean your tongue
- Make sure you see your dental hygiene team regularly
- Eat properly – Healthy foods that are low in acid and low in sugar content are suggested
- Do not smoke!
Not only will the above help reduce the incidence of oral disease and inflammations from oral bacteria and infections, but it will help reduce the possible risk of serious diseases like:
- Cardiovascular disease
- Bacterial Pneumonia
- High and Low birth weights
- Diabetic complications
- Osteoporosis
Keep your mouth healthy because it’s the gateway to the rest of your body.
Choosing a dentist is an individual decision; the key in choosing the best-fit dentist for you includes a variety of factors. Archer Dental offers you three convenient locations: Archer Dental Rosedale at Yonge at Bloor, and Archer Dental Baby Point at 387 Jane St. and now at 564 College St, Archer Dental Little Italy. All three locations are easily accessible via public transit, vehicle or foot.